Please note: 

if you have a pre-existing adobe installation on your computer (Acrobat, Illustrator, etc.) please follow steps 1 – 6




Begin at step 7



  1. Go To

  2. Download and extract the cleaner tool (right click->extract all)
  3. Open the cleaner tool (.exe)
    follow the prompts by typing the letter and then enter as is corresponds to your preference.
  4. Agree to the terms and conditions when they present themselves by typing ‘y’ and clicking enter

  5. Type ‘1’ and press enter to indicate cleaning all applications

  6. Then type ‘13’ and press enter to quit

  7. Go To

  8. Login using your DET ID and EduPass Password

  9. Type in the utterance ‘Can I get an Adobe license please?’ and click the send button (or press enter)

  10. Wait One Hour
  11. Go to

  12. Click on Sign In

  13. In the email address box write in

  14. In the sign in box use your DET ID (T0 number) for the User ID and your eduPass Password for your Password

  15. Click ‘Creative Cloud’ and then click ‘Download’

  16. Save the file

  17. Navigate to your downloads and run the installer

  18. Wait for the installer to complete and creative cloud to launch

  19. Click ‘Install’ for the app you want to install
    (If it shows ‘Buy Now’ ensure you have waited one hour for it to change to ‘Install’)

  20. Wait for the app to install and then click ‘Open’

  21. If you get an error on this page along the lines of “You do not have access to manage apps please contact your IT Administrator” please bring the affected device to the IT Office