1. Go To https://www.edustar.vic.edu.au/Catalogue/Pages/Minecraft-EDU.aspx?isNewItem=true
    (While on the Eduroam Network)


    https://drive.google.com/a/edustar.vic.edu.au/uc?id=1w7ttttLbxFUs5F6xHA-BM45qsKi1-dP3&export=download (while on non-Eduroam Network)



    (for 32-bit version)

    Click on the home computers download if you are at home

  2. Extract all from the .zip file

  3. Open the .exe

  4. Open the app which should appear in your run window under recent applications

  5. Type in your Education Email

  6. Type in your DET Edupass Password

  7. It may take some time to sign in

  8. You now have access to Minecraft for education